two women sitting on chairs

hi there, we’re Aaiman and Sidra.

what brought around the creation of sukoon space was a shared feeling of kinship with art forms practiced within our South-Asian heritage. we both felt a deep curiosity and connection but also recognized the lack of resources to exploring many of these art forms. Being from the diaspora ourselves, this sparked a conversation between us and led us here.

motivated by curiosity and creative passion, we aimed to establish a community where folks have access to third spaces to create, connect, and discover.

we encourage discovery where there is no prerequisite of skill or talent, but rather simply a genuine curiosity for the art form.

to be loved,

is to be seen

Every day we live our lives surrounded by history, whether that’s from the clothes we wear, the street signs we walk past, or the language we speak. to truly appreciate the world around us, we need to know the context and history of which these art forms blossom. at Sukoon Space, we place a strong importance on appreciating the artisans who are keeping these practices alive, and how we can incorporate them to bring joy and authenticity into our lives.